Trying to be simple. . . AGAIN- Why is it so hard to be simple?
Simple: holding onto what you need, being organized, having space, and making time for what matters.
Here are my struggles:
- Getting rid of old crap. I don't need it but there is a demon whispering in my ear, "you might need it someday." Go away, I won't need this crap.
- I'm lazy - it's easier to shove all the Tupperware into the cupboard than to find the matching lids and stack it pretty.
- I'm a 'piler'. I stack everything into piles- mail, homework, books, magazines, recipes, etc. And then the piles never get touched. . . until I need something that is very important and I frantically look through ever pile making a HUGE mess of every pile. It's awful - stupid piles.
- I'm also a 'hider'. When I have people over and stuff everywhere and I have 5 minutes to clean, I hide everything. I cram it where ever it can go - usually closets but not always. I have stuffed dirty dishes in the oven before.
- I procrastinate. I find myself usually resting before I start working. For example, I will think "Okay, I'll watch one episode of This American Life and THEN I will start cleaning." But it never works that way! Because the internet sucks me in like a black hole.
Writing out these struggles makes me realize how easy it would be to overcome them. I'm going to start being simple, starting now!
Well first, I need to organize- I am going to go organize, starting now!

I have no idea what the I.W.W. is but I'm joining it!
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