Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Life Lesson #1

Do laundry at least once a week.

I think this life lesson is the key to maintaining a happy, healthy, clean wardrobe. Which really is a win-win situation because then I am a happy, healthy, clean person. Which is an even bigger win-win situation because then the world is a happy, healthy, clean world.

I am positive that the only reason Grand Rapids has been so cloudy and sad recently is because I haven't done my laundry. Here is a picture:

Yikes!! That is a lot of laundry. My mother would be so disappointed in me. I hate doing laundry. It's my least favorite chore. I hate sorting the clothes, doing the whole washing machine thing, taking them out, folding them, and putting them away. The putting them away thing is usually what gets me - I will fold them and then leave in the laundry basket. And that's a really bad idea! Because then my new dirty clothes have no where to go and when I need a shirt its usually in the bottom of the laundry basket so when I'm scrambling to look for it I end up unfolding all the other clean clothes, throwing them on the floor, and mixing them up with dirty ones. THEN my room is a disaster! ALL because of laundry!

But if I did my laundry once a week, it would not be such a big deal because I would have about 2 pairs of pants and 5 shirts to wash. And that's easy!

Dear Mom,
I am going to try to follow my new life lesson and do my laundry once a week.
Love, Annie

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