Gosh, it's beautiful! I saw how she was able to flip it and run her fingers through it (it was SO sexy!) and I thought "I want that!" So, I tried to get that and failed. I always fail. I go back and forth and back and forth and it always ends with me at the salon telling Braden (my hairdresser) "O what the heck, I love it short! - Let's do short again!" I will even drive to the salon thinking "No! I'm growing it out, get just a trim Annie!" And then I walk into the salon, pull a John Kerry and flip flop. And I walk out with cute short hair (and happy too).
Until recently when I overcame the hardest part of this year long battle of trying to grow it out: I went to the salon I told Braden just a trim please. That was 2 weeks ago. Now, it's in this awkward mullet stage and I HATE it. I can't stand it. I want to run into Braden's arms and scream "cut it all off!" -But I don't do that and here is my motivation (and why it's so hard).

I love this hair so much that I set it as my background on my laptop. I could have hair like this! My hair is a bit lighter in color but my hair is that thick. This picture is my light at the end of the tunnel. I can go through the awkward mullet phase because I can have this. I am determined to be patient.
For those of you wondering "what's this awkward hair stage Annie keeps talking about?"
Here's the best photos I could find:
I realize I am wearing a scarf in both photos - that's because I was trying to hide my mullet. But do you see what I mean? It's awkward and it gets worse after it grows a couple more inches. Look how cute I am with short hair!:
In both photos my hair was so easy to style. I mean, look at me! I look like an angel! O gosh, I'm already flip flopping again. To stay on topic, here is some more unmotivation:
My hair didn't even look good when it was long! But than again, look at me - I had a middle part, no layers, and no bangs. What was I thinking!? I could've been so much better looking! (Also, in case you were wondering why my hair looks so dark, it's because sunlight has made my hair much more blonde over the years. Booooo sunlight!)
But here's some motivation:

It's looks awesome pinned up. Okay, I don't know that yet but I can guesstimate that it will. I am so excited to put it up for formal events and play with it. O gosh! I miss playing with my hair. So I guess the awkward mullet journey of my life will continue. Here is a look at my future:
Please still be my friend.
But ya know what!? I'm going to do it. I can do it! I hope I can do it. . .
No flip flops!
We can do it!!!! I have a mullet right now to. Dont cut your hair in yellowstone. This is a contest. Love, danielle
Lol you look amazing, I just love your Irish red head look and your skintone! Keep up the good work! Cut off all my hair almost two years ago this agust. I have very course curly hair, but I got a curly perm... I know why get a curly perm if I have curly hair, but it was because I wanted a looser more bouncy curl pattern. So I did, and my hair broke off so bad I had to cut it, but not till my new mother in law colored my hair, what shouldve been blonde, but it came out orange... I think she knew what she was doing lmao. But yeah almost two years and the back of my hair is on my pack just past my shoulders, and the front looks horrible. My front and sides are the slowest growing part of my hair, so when I use my flatiron, the side just barely touch my shoulders. I'm sooooo frustrated cause I've been wear a hat and scarf everyday for six months because now that it's longer it's in an awkward stage! So I know how you feel! Just be lucky you probably grow more than a half an inch per month. I on the other hand grow less then that because of stress, so a friend recommended hairfinity
Also I type really fast so please excuse my typos
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