Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm a broke college student!

Oh, surprise surprise. I'm a broke college student... But these past few weeks have been especially hard. I'm living paycheck to paycheck like most of America and I don't like it. But I am going to change!

 And here's how:

#1) I'm not going to spend money. You may be thinking "but Annie, you HAVE to spend money!" Who says so? Here are the things I normally spend money on (that aren't bills) - gas, eating out with friends, food, taco bell, library late fees, school supplies, amazon stuff and miscellaneous clearance  items that I find at the end isles. I'm done spending money on these things. I quit.

#2) Okay, I'll still buy gas. I have to.

#3) Also, I have to eat so I'm only going to spend $5 a week on food. You may be thinking "that's impossible!" Yes maybe but I can try. Here's what you don't know: My panty is full of food! Okay, that's an exaggeration but I do have quite a bit of food on my shelves. So, I'll live off that food. Currently I have beans, rice, pasta, frozen chicken, frozen vegetables, and most of everything that a person is suppose to have "on hand" (oils, baking supplies, spices, etc.).

So, maybe you think I'm crazy. I don't care. I'm poor. I'm reading Dave Ramsey and he thinks I should have $1,000 saved for emergencies. Do you want to know how much I have in my savings account right now for "emergencies"? I have $32.86 - I just checked. This is why I ran into problems in October when my car battery died and I had to pay $115 for a new one. So, I'm going to be putting every cent into this fund.

Currently, I have three sources of income - tutoring, cleaning, and nannying. They are all under the table and all pay very well. But what goes along with this, is that they are all very unstable. For example: In October, I had 5 tutoring sessions canceled - each with a good excuse. That's $100 out of my monthly budget!! That's a lot of money to me! So to fix this problem, I'm making a "cancellation policy" (basically if you cancel too much I still expect to be paid). Maybe it's mean but I don't care. I need to know how much money I will have at the end of the week. Also, this is even more evidence that I need to save $1,000 for emergencies.

I also have little ways of making money - selling text books on Amazon. I made $87.39 selling textbooks (minus about $11 for shipping). That's a lot of dough. I'm also going to try sell some clothes at a consignment store. It's sad to say goodbye to my really nice clothes but I would rather have finically stability than nice clothes. Also, I'm making a little bit of extra money by being a "Research Assistant" for my friend's thesis paper. Yay!

I'm thinking about selling my plasma.... I've done it before and hated it but it's such easy money.

Okay, that's enough about my boring money problems. . .

I'm going to blog about this and tell you how it goes. I'm going to be 100% honest and accurate. Not spending money on food is going to the hardest part so expect to hear about that.

The Fears...

#1) I'll feel gross from eating processed food all the time. I eat a good amount of fresh food and I know the effects of eating Ramen everyday (tired and cranky). But hopefully, this won't happen BECAUSE thankfully most things in my pantry are considered healthy - beans, whole grain pasta, brown rice. But if I do end up eating Ramen everyday - oh well, tough luck.

#2) I'll give into my brainwashed material instincts that I have to buy something. I literally already have everything I need. I have a warm bed, a car, clothes for every occasion, and food. I shouldn't have to buy anything. I'm worried that I'll fall into the mindset of "well, I've been so good lately and it's a really good deal and I deserve this".  Lies, lies, and more lies - I haven't been good lately (that's why I'm in this situation), it's not a good deal (if I don't need it), and I don't deserve it (I deserve peace of mind).

#3) Peer Pressure: GAG, I hate peer pressure. Here is a letter:

Dear Friends,

Let's do something fun that doesn't involve spending money. If you want to do something that involves spending money then expect to pay for me. Otherwise, I can't go. If you want to go to a restaurant and not pay for me - I'll go but I will get water and stare at you jealously. I still love you. Please love me by supporting me and not pressuring me to spend money.

Okay, that's enough for now. I have $5 in my back pocket and I'll keep you updated on what I choose to spend it on.

Somebody buy me this. 


Anna said...

Amen Annie! Dave Ramsay knows what he is talking about!


annethel said...

That's so funny you say that because probably 33% of the time I'm reading the book, I can hear your voice in the back of my head talking about how awesome Dave Ramsey is.