Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's not you, it's me.

Dear devote reader (if you still exist), 

I'm sorry I stopped posting so suddenly. I should've said something... but I didn't want to hurt you. So I ran and hid instead of facing the truth- I just didn't love blogging anymore. But I've realized my mistakes and you really are a good time. I still love you. Please forgive me and continue to read my blog? I won't promise it won't ever happen again. ;)


Annie Nelson

The Real Story
I got busy in Yellowstone and I didn't feel like blogging in my spare time. I chose to sleep, hike, fish, read, and learn trigonometry instead. . . (YAWN) ...Pretending to have a love affair is way more exciting. 

Past Experience That I Should Have Share a While Ago (P.E.T.I.S.H.A.W.A)*
Tehe. I like that - PETISHAWA. I'm going to use that. 

Coming Soon.....

My 3 day trip to the Grand Tetons. I went camping, hiking, swimming, and ate pizza! 

*This will probably turn into a series. This way I still blog about my awesome adventures AND you get to hear about my awesome adventures. I also think it will be fun for me to reminisce. 


Anonymous said...

i thought there was a love affair? pfft.

annethel said...

Nope, just the love affair with my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

annie. im so confused.