Calvin College: Is going absolutely great.
Here is a story:
When I first got here, I closed up like clam in the sight of a shark. I don't know why I did, but I did and it really sucked. I had orientation and while it seemed like everybody was making friends, and chatting, I would just be quiet. I was living by the phrase: "If you have nothing to say, don't say anything". Well, I didn't have anything to say so, I would just be quiet. This shy version of Annie continued into the first and second(ish) week of school. I did not like this. I didn't like being shy, I am rarely shy. Especially in such friendly environments.
And then I read this postsecret. And I was like that's it! I am starting over! and I am going to be happy. So, I really can't say much changed other than my attitude. But I am much happier. (Somethings might have to do with God too, and him teaching me how to find confidence in him, and not myself)
My thoughts on Calvin College:
At first I was very intimidated by all nice people. I know that sounds weird, but at first I really honestly didn't care too much for the folk around here. People were too nice. I was use to Yellowstone, where people were mildly rude, and didn't hide anything from anybody. I got use to this mildly rudeness. So when I came to Calvin, I guess I just felt like everybody was hiding stuff. But really the people are just polite and nice.
My professors are really really really seriously really good. I can't believe how much a good professor can have on my learning ability. I really look forward to most of my classes, there is one I don't like. But other than that one, I love them all.
Today I had "conversation group" (for spanish class) with a higher level spanish student, and we could only speak spanish the whole time! (30 minutes) I have been speaking spanish for only 2 weeks. It was so hard, but I can see how I'm really going to benefit from it. I think Calvin is so stinken cool for having these groups. I am actually going to learn Spanish. woo.
I was suppose to go to a hip hop dance at 6 p.m. But my friend that was going to do it with me, is really sick, so I'm kinda bummed. Basically, I would learn a dance with some other folks, and we would preform it for the school at the end of the semester. But there is another time at 9 p.m. tonight, so I really hope she feels better. . .
Homework is a load. But not too bad. I am definitely doing more homework than I ever have in my entire life. But I don't have a job yet, so I have a lot free time. I'm not too worried or stressed about homework yet.
I really need to find a job. Like really bad. I'll probably get a job in the cafeteria. It pays $7.40 and hour, which is so gross to me. BUT it's on campus and I would get a free meal whenever I worked. I also applied to Prince Conference Center which is also on Campus, but I'm not sure that there hiring.
I have been so much neater and cleaner than I ever have been in my life. Yes, my whole entire life. I think it's because I got rid of all the stuff I didn't need. I really am just living on the necessities right now. Which is a little hard, because it means less options (for clothes, hair and jewelry accessories, and crafts). But the simple life is a lot better.
God is really good. I want you to know that. God is good, really good.
(cher is too)
P.S. start a twitter account already!