Friday, February 17, 2012

Running Goal #1 Accomplished

I did it! I did the first day of running and....

it completely sucked. But I did it!

Since I am doing the "couch to 5k" training guide, I had to walk for 90 seconds and then run for 60 seconds. Before I started, I thought - this is going to be so easy! I was wrong - WAY wrong. I forgot how bad of a runner I am. It was hard for me to run 60 seconds. 60 seconds!? yes, I can't believe it either.

I didn't like it and here's why:
- my hands were freezing (I walked/ran back to grab gloves)
- my throat/breathing tube was freezing - it really hurt.
- the sun was in my eyes (do runners wear sunglasses?)
- I was out of breath and that's a bad feeling
- I rather be sleeping
- I rather be eating
- I rather be be baking

BUT, I am going to continue doing it. I made a goal and I really want accomplish it. It was my first run, I don't think it's suppose to be that great. I have the time in my life to do it now so I am. I am going to give running a fair shot.

Here's a picture of me right before:

I'm really excited about my new running gear. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I have never run a mile in my life. NEVER. Not in grade school, not in high school, not in college - never. When we "had" to run in high school, I ran a lap then walked a lap. It took me 17 minutes. I have no idea how it took me that long.

I've always been VERY negative towards running. I thought it was stupid. It wasn't just something that I didn't like, it was something that I thought was unhealthy and a waste of time. Runners always seem to have bad knees and poor joints. Why would I ever want to force myself to try something so ridiculous? 

Yet, there is it - a picture a me wearing running shoes, leggings, shorts, and fancy t-shirt. I am going to try running and here's why:
  • The boyfriend. He started running over the summer and ran his first 5k. Ever since then, he's gone running crazy - reading books, researching the best running form, and signing up for all sorts of crazy running events. He has a huge influence on me and considering I spend a lot of time with him, I think he's slowly been brainwashing me to believe that running is good. 
  • The description of "running is like jumping". I read this while researching the history of running. It never occurred to me that running is like jumping from one step to the next. I love to jump. It's in the categories of dancing and laughing. It's a fun thing to do. Maybe running will be a fun thing to do.
  • The community. Runners have a huge awesome community full of really nice people. That's attractive to me. I saw my brother run a half marathon not too long ago and I was really surprised at how nice everybody seemed. There was something in the air and I wanted to be a part of it. 
  • The health benefits. Despite my previous concerns (bad knees/joints), running is healthy. It gets your heart rate up and releases endorphins (which makes you happy or something - I never really understood endorphins). I'm still a little bit concerned about the bad knees and achy feelings but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. I can quit at anytime. 
  • The boyfriend again. He gets mentioned twice because he was that influentional. Did I mention he bought me all that neat running gear for Valentine's day? Yeah, he's pretty awesome. 

My two running goals:

#1) Go running on Friday at 9am. Like I said earlier, I never run. Starting is going to be the hardest part.

#2) Do a 5k on May 12, 2012. That's the date of the Riverbank Run in Grand Rapids. I'm going to do it. I'm going to follow the "Couch to 5k" training plan and run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. 

I'm going to do it. I am going to run at least a mile and that will feel good. I want to feel that pride and work hard for it. If I hate it, then I don't ever have to do it again. 

Also, I forgot to put on deodorant today and I don't know what to do about it. 

This is what I will look like on Friday morning - just add red hair.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Boston Creme Pie

I'm going to make a list of things I want to do before I have kids. Now, I am nowhere near having kids right now but I really like the idea of making a list of things I want to do before I give up my life and personal dreams for kids (that's sounds bitter... it's not meant to be). So the first thing on my list is to take a baking class. I love to bake and always have. In particular, I really want to learn how to decorate things. I want to make beautiful frosting flowers and learn how to use fondue on a cake. I might try to adventure on my own a bit. 

Speaking of baking, I made my boyfriend Boston Creme Pie for Valentine's Day. It's his favorite kind of dessert. It was quite an adventure. It started with dancing to Edward Shape and The Magnetic Zeros. No really, it did - look: 


After dancing for way too long, it was time to stop procrastinating and start baking! This is the recipe I used: Boston Creme Pie . It's from Kraft foods which makes it sketch. I usually like to go all out (everything from scratch) when I bake but today I didn't have much time. This recipe uses things like boxed cake mix, instant vanilla pudding, and cool whip. It's strange to bake with things that don't come in a 2 lb bag. 

It appeared super simple... but of course I make everything complicated: 

Oops! That's not suppose to happen.... BUT thankfully, I baked two 9-inch cakes even though the recipe calls for one (I almost didn't notice this). 

Problem areas that I need to work on for next time: 
  • Cutting cake layers evenly
  • Un-lumpy frosting (sorry boyfriend)
  • Decorating 
  • Making my own decorating frosting

But after all those mishaps - it still turned out pretty darn good. It's not perfect but I know he'll love it. 

I dyed the creme in the middle pink and put a heart on it for Valentine's day. So there it is, my first Boston Creme Pie. 

Now, I need to go buy more baking supplies. Actually, I need to save up for baking supplies and then take a class. If anybody knows of good places to purchase baking supplies, let me know. Meijer (local grocery store) doesn't have much.