Monday, July 4, 2011

Beartooth Mountains

Once again, Jessica and I had the same day off. We had plans to go hiking but then realized we liked to sleep in more. After I ate some tacos, I knocked on Jessica's door and we discussed what to do with our sunny day. We thought about going to Jackson Hole and driving through the Tetons (which I have yet to see this year) but then decided we should drive through the Beartooth Mountain Range instead. 

The Beartooth Mountains are a gorgeous mountain range that start after Cooke City on Hwy 212 - some famous journalist one time said "it is the most scenic drive in America" - and I think he might be right. 

As we were driving, we couldn't avoid the Bison jam in Lamar Valley. I didn't mind because Jessica got some good pictures of my favorite animal: 

We drove all the way through the Beartooths and stopped at the "Scenic Overlook...

.... only to find out that the trail was closed because of snow. Boooo!!!!

Well... Jessica and I, we're from Yellowstone National Park - so we climbed on some rocks and broke the law so we could get a better view (I was actually really scared because it's a huge drop off on one side). 

After that whole adventure, we read the map and it appeared that we weren't that far away from Red Lodge. So, being city deprived we figured 'why not?'

We walked around and ate Chinese food.

It was a real good time. AND THEN, the most amazing thing happened! I saw the real life Mario: 

I didn't get a picture of his face because I was too nervous but I swear he had a mustache and was all tan and Mario like. 

We then ventured back through the Beartooths and I snapped some good photos: 

O yeah, the snow in some parts was crazy high! Check this out:

And here is my favorite picture of the day:


MrNas said...

OMG where in Yellowston is this?

Anonymous said...

OMG what about the part where the road fell into the river?