Friday, April 15, 2011

New Job!

I got a job as a dog walker!

Look how cute I can be:
Okay, let's be realistic: I will never look like that. My calves are never going to be that thin and I don't wear heals (or skirts above my knee).

This is more like it:
Okay, I'm not that lazy.

This is what I will actually look like:
Minus the backpack plus a dog.

I don't know why I thought it was important to share that with you. I guess I'm really pumped about my new job. I can put on all my future resumes that I was a dog walker - something that takes hard work, skill, and dedication. Seriously, my resume kicks butt compared to yours.

1 comment:

Shelayna said...

Jealous!! I have always wanted to be a dog walker!!!

Congrats on the new job!!

BTW Im pretty much your biggest fan now. i love your blog!!