Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Soul Pancake
I'm really excited to see what comes out of this.
This is a video Rainn Wilson (AKA Dwight from da office) made to promote his new web-site, soul pancake. It's sounds like it's a place where anybody can go and put there ideas to answer some of "life's big questions". I visited the site, and sure enough there is plenty of responses to these questions. I think if this thing really gets up and running it'll be great. It'll forcing people to think about things they ignore. C.S. Lewis talks about how people will do anything to avoid these kind of questions. We all have a longing inside of us. And many of us don't know what to do about. And I think this website will (fashionably) answer some people's longing.
Also, I think there is a big warning with this also. I always get a little bit scared when God starts to become "cool." There is a huge danger in people being fake and doing it just because their friends are. I grew up in a church where this was very evident. Most of my friends from youth group are completely different people now than they were then. Why? because it wasn't real. Maybe it was for some people. But for me, it wasn't. But yeah back to the point; I'l be curious to see what happens.
There is a video of Rainn talking about this web-site to Oprah. And Rainn really seems to be against organized religion. We all know that most people today don't like organized religion but he seems to believe that there is truth to all religions. Which I find very interesting, because they seem contradict each other. . . But I don't know much about other religions. . . So I won't say much. I just hope this doesn't mean more hate towards christians for being small minded. (well, what do I expect? Jesus did promise we would be hated) And lastly I will say this: I am very excited to see this play out, people thinking about God is great. If we all started loving God on a daily basis, oh! how the world would change. . .
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Becoming a teacher. . .
This semester I am taking Education 202. As a requirement for this class I have to spend some time in an actual classroom and 'observe'. So once a week I go to East Kentwood Freshman Campus and 'observe'. Although, I don't really observe. I help out this cool kid named EJ.

Peoples, I cannot even tell you how excited I am to teach.
Today I had to wake up at 6:30 am (I went to bed at 2am) to go to my school and I was so excited to do it. Afterwords I am so energized. I know I'm not really making a difference, but seeing EJ learn and really understand Algebra; it's the greatest feeling. I love it. Every time after I leave the school I get a little emotional because it's like "wow, this is what I really want to do, and I'm doing it!" I'm accomplishing my dreams. It's kind of scary, but wow! I cannot not wait for each day to begin. I have found my purpose in life. It's so strange this feeling that I get after I am done helping EJ, it's like I am suddenly so motivated to do everything. I'm on the right track and I love it. I absolutely love it.

(future teacher)
This semester is my semester to try new things. and grow.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I miss. . .
+ Eric Stewart picking me up in 1987 Chevy Impala and sitting three people in the front of his car even though the back seat was empty.
+ Yellowstone National Park: Understatement of the year.
+ Sliding in the snow in parking lot of Laurel with Danny.
+ Joy and AJ blasting "strong enough" when I was crying.
+ Samantha Lee Warner coming over to my apartment and sitting on my couch, while I sit in the big chair and talk talk talking. (Maybe in her car too)
+ My full sized bed with the down comforter.
+ Talking with Mat Burton in his car outside of Kensington and being scared cause I would imagine a scarecrow walking out of the bush.
+ Going to small group.
+ Jessica Meyer and I's 16 mile hike (in one day).
+ Tom Elmore encouraging me in everything that I did.
+ Running away to church after school.
+ Working at Dairy Queen with all the crazy Calendeans.
+ Playing disc golf with Mat and Alexa.
+ Eating Little Ceaser's pizza in the Radio Room and JC park.
+ My snake named Enrique.
+ Courtney Devine teaching me what a true friend is.
+ Firefighters Park.
+ Chelsea and I's "road trips" to East Lansing.
+ Watching Old Faithful go off in the full moon.
+ Dance Parties.
+ Being the lead in every school play at WCA.
+ Sleepovers with Ashley.
+ Driving around with my car windows down, dancing and singing to my Kohl's Summer Hits CD.
+ Riding the CATA bus. (I can't believe I actually miss this)
+ Sharing secrets with Danielle.
+ My little crushes on all the older men in high school. (Ryan Clifford, Brian Pecoraro, Aaron Steppe, Mr. Keoleian)
+ Anthony James Murdoch hugging me when I found out Travis broke up with me for another woman.
+ Being new to Epic.
+ Being the girl with Dreadlocks.
+ My photography class at community college.
+ After New Community hang out.
+ Summertime.
+ Taina. Taina. Taina.
+ And Alvin, Kyla, Evelyn, Pedro, and all the russians!
+ Breaking into Kensington at night and running around (and eating all the granola bars).
+ My messy room. (it's strange missing this, but I do)
+ Counting points and going to those crazy fun meetings with Ally Johnson.
+ Christina and Deanna's crazy boy stories. I miss this a lot.
+ Watching Gilmore Girl's all day with Amanda in Lake Orion.
+ Going home for the weekend.
+ Matt telling me everything will be okay.
+ Laura Lego giving me advice, and really praying for me to be a christian again.
+ Fern Cascades, where I found God hiding in the white ripples of the water.
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