It feels good, it feels REALLY good. Sometimes I feel like everything around me is telling me to be healthy (media, journal studies, friends, professors, doctors), and now I can say "yep, I am doing my best". No more inner guilt from eating crap food or being lazy. It's almost easier to eat healthy and exercise than to make excuses for eating crap food and being lazy.
I have to be honest: I feel a little guilty writing this now - this past weekend, I ate a lot of bad food. The boyfriend came to visit and it was all downhill from there. We play the blame game on who's idea it was to get taco bell. twice.
It's part of the reason I decided to write this entry because I felt so bad after eat crap food. I felt sluggish, lazy, tired, and fat. It was bloody awful. It really reminded me of why I am striving to eat healthy.
So, today I started fresh and learned from my weekend. I feel way better when eating healthy, fulfilling foods. I'm not completely convinced that working out makes me feel better. Well, I feel stronger, but it doesn't make me happy. It's an internal debate.
I found this in another blog and thought I would share:
10 Ways to Good Health
- Less alcohol, more tea.
- Less meat, more vegetables.
- Less salt, more vinegar.
- Less sugar, more fruit.
- Less eating, more chewing.
- Less words, more action.
- Less greed, more giving.
- Less worry, more sleep.
- Less driving, more walking.
- Less anger, more laughter.
I really like this. It's good wisdom.
I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out the key to being healthy. It's hard. Why do I indulge in Taco Bell when I know it makes me feel like crap? Why is it almost unnatural to be healthy? - Shouldn't it be easy?

Well, here's some advice I know for sure: eat fruits and vegetables before they go bad.
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