I started to read The Power of Less.

Thanks Grand Rapids Public Library!
I am learning that it's not good to be busy all time. I waste a lot of time on things I don't even remember doing. I want to stop wasting time doing meaningless tasks, and create meaningful events/tasks.
Something that I thought was interesting is the idea of only creating one goal at time and putting all of your focus into that one goal. I always make "goal lists" or massive to do lists. The book talks about how this isn't good because it's hard to see long term accomplishments. We might do everything on to do list and at the end of the day and it might feel really good, but in the long run it doesn't really matter. It says that we should make one goal at time, and put all our focus into accomplishing that goal.
Something that I thought was interesting is the idea of only creating one goal at time and putting all of your focus into that one goal. I always make "goal lists" or massive to do lists. The book talks about how this isn't good because it's hard to see long term accomplishments. We might do everything on to do list and at the end of the day and it might feel really good, but in the long run it doesn't really matter. It says that we should make one goal at time, and put all our focus into accomplishing that goal.
I really like this idea because I feel too stretched sometimes, and I don't really accomplish anything meaningful. I'm always trying to eat healthy, be organized, exercise, and read my books. But in reality, I'm only doing these things in little bits, not really accomplishing anything significant. But if I were to only focus on be organized, I could probably achieve that goal and turn it into a habit. And then I could move onto my next goal.
Maybe I'm turning zen crazy. I don't care. If this simple thing doesn't help me live a better life then I will move on and blog about spiders or something

hola mi amigo! cordial saludo ^ ^!
su blog se ve bonita 0_0
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Cleaning really does help. A cluttered room is a cluttered mind.
When things are messy it can be stressful.
Simplify, simplify, simplify. :) Stop and smell the roses is so cliche, but it does embody the concept completely that you are talking about. :)
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