Thursday, July 29, 2010

Epic Fail

I failed at being simple. How strange does that sound? Why is it so hard to be simple? I mean, seriously. Just to do one thing at time, pick up after myself, and be organized. Gosh, I should've taken a picture yesterday of my bedroom. It was a complete disaster! I got back from camping on Sunday and on Wednesday I still had my tent and all my gear piled in my bedroom. My suitcase was still packed and I was living out of my travel bags for my bathroom. It wasn't fun, and I had time to clean it up. But I didn't cause I just told myself "I'll do it tomorrow."

I really need to figure out a system for when I get back from traveling. Bill Nye lives 3 hours east, so I go to visit him quite often. Meaning that I travel a lot and I need to pack and un-pack a lot. I need a system of keeping my suitcase empty and bathroom bags empty when I am home. Okay, deep down I really know what needs to happen. . . I just need to gulp down and empty the suitcase when I get home. The second I get home. I should make sure that my room is clean before I leave. That would help.

Sorry, I'm rambling.

Case and Point: I'm too lazy to be simple, but that doesn't mean I can't try.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 1 of being simple.

Well, I did step one of my simple living adventure. I cleaned. I really cleaned. I found a spot for everything in my bedroom. I vacuumed. I have no clutter anywhere. Okay, I need to be honest, my car is still a mess. I didn't get a chance to clean it out yet, but I will soon. My mom gave me two huge black garbage bags of 2 liter pop bottles that are taken up my back seat and trunk. I really gotta return those and get my hard earned $5.20.
I started to read The Power of Less.

Thanks Grand Rapids Public Library!

I am learning that it's not good to be busy all time. I waste a lot of time on things I don't even remember doing. I want to stop wasting time doing meaningless tasks, and create meaningful events/tasks.

Something that I thought was interesting is the idea of only creating one goal at time and putting all of your focus into that one goal. I always make "goal lists" or massive to do lists. The book talks about how this isn't good because it's hard to see long term accomplishments. We might do everything on to do list and at the end of the day and it might feel really good, but in the long run it doesn't really matter. It says that we should make one goal at time, and put all our focus into accomplishing that goal.

I really like this idea because I feel too stretched sometimes, and I don't really accomplish anything meaningful. I'm always trying to eat healthy, be organized, exercise, and read my books. But in reality, I'm only doing these things in little bits, not really accomplishing anything significant. But if I were to only focus on be organized, I could probably achieve that goal and turn it into a habit. And then I could move onto my next goal.

Maybe I'm turning zen crazy. I don't care. If this simple thing doesn't help me live a better life then I will move on and blog about spiders or something