Sunday, January 11, 2009

C.S. Lewis

I really enjoyed this article a lot. I love paragraph about how foolish love can be. Being young and foolish I got wrapped up in the vicious cycle of 'strong erotic passion'. I really did think that I had found lifelong happiness in another being. All truly was at stake. If I missed my chanced I really thought  I would've lived life in vain. And when everything fell apart I sunk into the 'fathomless depths of self-pity'.  But like Adriana said on the second day class about when a man says you are worthless, you can either curl up or you can expand. I chose to expand, and stand tall. And I am such a better person for it. 

-a paragraph from my homework (my thoughts on the article of "Have No 'Right To Happiness'")


Bobwise said...

I love CS Lewis so much. I love how even though I'm not a Christian, almost all of what he says still makes so much sense to me.

Anonymous said...

IMY like whoa.

annethel said...

Bob: I thought I commented back on this, apparently not. I like C.S. Lewis a lot too. Here is my blog of C.S. Lewis thoughts. :)

Dani: What's IMY?