Sorry for lack of quality posts. School is very busy. Life is strange. like really strange. It's strange how I can feel so happy one moment, and then be complete crumbles the next. I like moments. It's very interesting, how long is a moment? Anyways, I'm starting to realize that life is all about focus. As a photographer I love this. I have so much going on in my mind (or my picture per se). There's school, friends, jesus, work and about a million tiny things. But really, only a couple of things can be in complete focus. Or maybe even less then a couple of things. . . One thing can be in complete in focus, and some will be a blur, and then some things will be completely unrecognizable. And the thing I'm really learning; the thing that needs to be in focus is Jesus. When he is in focus, everything else doesn't matter. I can only earthly control the lens, and my focus. When my focus is on him, he'll help me with the blurs.
Maybe this is cheezy. maybe I don't care.

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