I am trying to recognize what really gives me pleasure in life and focus on those things. I like the small things in life, but I rarely focus on them because I am so focused on my lists. I'm done making to-do lists for the sake of accomplishing something. My planner does a good job with that. I'm just going to do what needs to get done right away and live my life.
Life is really good. I stopped making to-do lists and cleaned everything. Because that was on the to-do list for months. Now, I just have to keep up by putting clothes in the hamper and taking out the trash.
Okay, I just realized that I am the biggest looser because the last couple entries were all something you would see in a "Real Simple" magazine. I'll give you an update that a little deeper:
I need more God in my life. I don't know how. I miss my old church a lot. I miss people that understand me when I talk about God the way I do.
I'm going camping in two days. I love camping.
I need more friends in Grand Rapids. I watch a show on PBS about how the secret to happiness is good relationships.
I'm excited for school to start. (Ha, tomorrow is my last day of summer school and I'm already excited for the fall school year. Me = Nerd)
I love to dance in the mirror.