My next step? Twitter.
Why did I deactivate?
I want more time to focus on my blog. The times I wrote the most was when my facebook was deactivated. I can tell and show people who am through my blog, not a through a series of almost meaningless wall posts and pictures. I really do like facebook for pictures, but I can get over that. I have my own little Canon Powershot now. Also, studies show that students who don't have a facebook do better in college than students who do. And I can believe that. When I am suppose to be studying, I always seem to end up on facebook for hours looking at a friend from high school's pictures of his or her trip to Europe. Which then just invokes feelings of jealousy, envy and loneliness. Also, I am pre-student teaching, and I don't want little high school stalkers. or principal stalkers looking for a picture of me holding a beer just to create some baby mama drama.
So. Here I am. Doing the blog thing.
Yep. . .